If you were at our November 9 get together at Sevens Gate Taproom, you got to hear Brian give a summary of our season, with pictures. BTW, all people who volunteered with us for at least one day were invited, as well as donors. If you believe you should have been invited but didn’t get an invitation, we’re sorry, and please let us know.
It was a good season with lots of solid workdays. We did most of our work on our usual favorite trails: Seven Bridges, Saint Mary’s Falls, and Barr Trail. In addition, we worked on some trails we don’t get to frequently: The McReynolds Reservoir Trail high on the south slope of Pikes Peak, in the South Slope Recreation Area, and the Ring the Peak Trail through Putney Gulch and south towards Horsethief Park.
We had several days where we had groups of volunteers from different corporations. Statistics aren’t very interesting, but the one I’ll mention is that we had 86 unique volunteers this season. We really appreciate this broad base of support.
Pictures? You want pictures? Well, here’s a few, but you’re not getting any locations. You’ll have to match the pictures with the location. It’s a contest. Not every location in the list has a picture.

Figure A

Figure B

Figure C

Figure D
Submit your entries to registration@friendsofthepeak.org Everyone who matches them correctly gets an extra slice of watermelon at their next volunteer workday.
______ McReynolds Reservoir in the South Slope Recreation Area
______ Seven Bridges, above Undine Falls
______ Saint Mary’s Falls, at one of the sets of log stairs
______ Saint Mary’s Falls, at the path down to the creek about 1 mile from the TH
______ Barr Trail, where the 2023 boulder came tumbling through
______ Ring the Peak Trail in Putney Gulch
In January we will have our annual retreat where the board members sketch out our plans for the 2025 season. One thing we’ve been considering is whether we should purchase some [expensive] masonry tools so we can cut and shape rocks to serve a specific purpose. This will allow us to do some precision rock construction. [Think “building a medieval cathedral” which of course we will do in the off-season for practice.]
If, If, If, you’re interested in volunteering on such a rock work project, please let us know by replying to or BrianV@friendsofthepeak.org And of course you could (but don’t have to) make a donation for masonry tools as described above.