Located in Colorado near Colorado Springs, Ring the Peak is a collection of trails and backcountry roads to circumnavigate Pikes Peak, as envisioned in the 1999 Pikes Peak Multi-Use Plan and adopted by FOTP. The trails cross federal, state, county, city, and sometimes private lands. The total length of the trail system is approximately 63 miles with approximately 80% of the route completed. Evaluation and planning are ongoing for the remaining 20%. The altitude ranges between 6,400 feet in Manitou Springs to 11,300 feet east of Portal 8 on Trail Segment 8-9; consequently, many trails are obscured by snow during the winter months. Currently, 9 portals provide access to the Ring trails, although there are numerous other ways to find your way to the Ring.
For directions to a trailhead, click the portal name in the column to the left of the map.

1. Manitou Springs
2. Chipita Park
3. Catamount Reservoir
4. Catamount Ranch
5. Raspberry
6. Horsethief
7. Gillett
8. FS Road 376
9. Frosty Park
10. Bear Creek
Signage: The Ring trails are all marked with green Carsonite stakes with 3 inch square labels. The color of the label indicates the direction of the travel, brown for clockwise and green for counterclockwise.
GPS tracks (gpx format):
West side
East side
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