Saint Mary’s Falls Trail, Forest Service trail #624, starts at the collapsing tunnel, Tunnel 3, off the closed section of Gold Camp Road and offers trail users a pleasant hike along Buffalo Creek, with some steep climbing on switchbacks before reaching the turn off for Saint Mary’s Falls. The trail continues on west.
Friends of the Peak worked to improve the Saint Mary’s Falls Trail in 2009 and 2010, with ten project days in 2009 and nine days in 2010. Work started right at the road with the climb over the tunnel and continued past the turn off for the waterfall itself.
This trail did not suffer any major damage from the September 2013 storms, but Friends of the Peak had four Thursday projects on the trail in 2014 to fix minor damage and improve drainage. Work continued in 2015, with four more Thursday projects addressing drainage and erosion. Friends of the Peak’s 20th anniversary project was on Saint Mary’s Falls Trail, working to support the trail where erosion had narrowed the trail to almost nothing.