Colorado Mountain Club has adopted the trails in Section 16 for years. But because the area is so popular, the trails receive a lot of wear. So Friends of the Peak offered to help. The main trailhead is on Gold Camp Road. Trails in Section 16 connect to the Intemann Trail. Section 16 and White Acres were both acquired by the city of Colorado Springs, and added to Red Rock Canyon Open Space.
Friends of the Peak worked on the main trail through Section 16 in 2011, with 10 volunteer projects, 9 on alternate Thursdays through the summer. The grand start was on National Trails Day, with REI sponsoring, and working jointly with Friends of Red Rock Canyon and Colorado Springs Parks and Rec. Through the summer, dedicated soldiers from Fort Carson helped. Because of their strong arms, the volunteers reached the top of the ridge in one season.
In 2013, Friends of the Peak joined with several other organizations for a CS Parks and Rec project on National Trails Day to build a connector trail in the Section 16 part of Red Rock Canyon Open Space to connect the Section 16 trails to the new Ridgeline Trail.