This beautiful trail, Forest Service trail #622, running along North Cheyenne Creek, starts where the closed section of Gold Camp Road crosses the creek, with either the bypass on one side of the creek or the first bridge on the other side, and really does have seven bridges. It reaches Jones Park and connects with all the trails there.
Friends of the Peak started work on this trail in 2006, with a project on National Trails Day, replacing the first bridge, which had washed out in 1991, and starting work on the first part of the trail. Work continued through the summers of 2006 and 2007 and 2008, with about ten project days each year, installing rock or wood steps to stabilize the trail, installing drains to take water off the trail and reduce erosion, and removing berm to allow water to flow off the trail, all the way to the intersection with the Pipeline trail.
In 2013, Friends of the Peak returned to Seven Bridges to address an eroding slope where a tree had fallen across the trail. In 2014, Friends of the Peak worked on Seven Bridges to fix a short section of trail with severe erosion from the torrential September 2013 storms. Volunteers also addressed more minor issues on the trail. In 2015, four projects worked to stabilize the slope to the scree field, which just keeps crumbling, and also worked on drainage and erosion issues. Two groups from Colorado College also helped.